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Dilution Platform

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Highly efficient dilution platform for medium to large size building care operations.

Designed for multiple users and different product requirements, QuattroSelect includes trigger sprays, buckets and/or scrubber driers filling at different dilution rates and speed. With QuattroSelect, Building Care cleaning has never been so easy, safe and fast!

Quattro Select from Diversey is a highly efficient wall-mounted system for medium to larger sites. The lockable cabinet accommodates up to four product concentrate pouches and a 100% safe dilution guarantees that employees will not come into contact with the concentrated chemicals.

*Please contact your Diversey representative to confirm the local product range and availability of the products mentioned. 

Contact the Diversey Team for Further Information

Benefits of the QuattroSelect™ dispensing system

Quattro Select from Diversey is a highly efficient wall-mounted system for medium to larger sites. The lockable cabinet accommodates up to four product concentrate pouches and a 100% safe dilution guarantees that employees will not come into contact with the concentrated chemicals.

The unit is designed for multiple users and different product requirements and allows easy and safe filling of trigger sprays, buckets, and scrubber driers. Always the right dilution rate at optimal filling speed is delivered, preventing unnecessary re-work due to over or under-dosing. Color-coded concentrated products and auxiliaries make the user training simple and easy and all together significantly the efficiency.

Two 2.5L QuattroSelect pouches can deliver up to 2,500L (about 660gal) of the same product in a ready-to-use format. This means savings from transporting and storing the product and less packaging waste for the environment and improves the sustainable footprint. Additionally, all required daily cleaning products concentrates to clean washrooms, surfaces and floors are certified with the EU-Ecolabel, meeting the newest criteria. 


Commercial Cleaning Product Catalog

Innovative chemistries, advanced monitoring and control systems, and expert support for your commercial cleaning challenges.


Dosing and Dispensing Solutions Across Industries

Leveraging decades of global experience, we specialize in designing dilution control products and applications that address the challenges of a variety of industries and businesses. We offer a comprehensive range of reliable, high-quality dilution control systems to create value, reduce risks and increase productivity.

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